Saturday, November 17, 2007

Little cute baby ‘Android’ ??

Android comes from ‘andr’ means human, and ‘eides’ means a species called eides. Sounds like a monster creature…or robot, huh? But what is Android for technology?
Android is an open operating system for mobile phone.
Hmmm… yes you right!!! It’s Linux based… and it’s free to develop for certain platform, as for personal cell phone, network, and other potential users. Who will make it possible? Google ! That giant internet company will soon launch a Google Phone with Android operating system.
It is said to be the most powerful system to build a web social networking for cell phone.
So if we can run Linux on PC, then can Android run on previous cell phone with Symbian, Windows Mobile, Palm, or Blackberry operating system?
The answer is NO!
So we have to buy Android cell phone…that would be Google Phone!
Anyway, Google and Linux has the same ideology, right? FREE services.
Oops..what ‘bout Symbian, Windows Mobile, Palm, and Blackberry?
We’ll see at mid 2008 later when Google Phone arrive… cu there!

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