Saturday, November 10, 2007

Joe & Lulu thanks to 4G

Can it be real? Yes of course. If 4G technology has been relesead, then all devices will have their own IP address. The technology called IPV6. For example, cell phone can be connected with printer with IP address, and we can print anything through that connection. Time and place don't matter!! even you're in Indonesia you can directly print anything with a printer located at Africa or another place all around the world!
Welcome 4G technology!!


Reny.. said...

mizz..the comic is soooo cooool..
hehehehe..btw, suka banget inisial J & L yak..hehe..mizz jo banget deh pokognya..^^

Rendy.K said...

Weee...miss joanne ikut seminar ? aku pengen ikut seminar & lomba install windows server 2008 tu,..tapi ndak isa...mepet waktune :( :( :( hiks...

miss blog update available

Anonymous said...

Wew keren yah udah 4G sekarang... Eniwei salam kenal yah :)

Anonymous said...

Wah... hoping that 4G will come down soon enough so 3G internet price will come down also LOL. Nice post miss. :)

Joanne said...

@francinnamon: iya gue kan mmg inisial L&J :p
@rendy:aku ikut yg 4G lho
@lisan:met kenal juga yeee
@ivan petrus:'ll come at 2008, cu there hehe

Joanne said...
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